This line of research seeks to investigate the different types of physical phenomena that, due to the way in which the quantities or physical elements involved interact, allow them to be designated as Physics of Complex Systems. Modern physics has explored a wide range of natural phenomena, from subatomic particles to cosmology. However, in complex systems global behavior emerges from interactions between various parts of a given system. These systems challenge our conventional understanding, offering profound insights and insights into the intricate and unpredictable nature of the world around us. A complex system is characterized by being composed of multiple interconnected elements, in which interactions between them give rise to surprising collective behaviors.

The intricate nature of these systems often makes it difficult to predict their future behavior accurately. Small changes in initial conditions or interactions can lead to unforeseen and non-linear results. Therefore, to understand the physics of complex systems, this line of research is also concerned with developing methods and techniques to analyze and model these systems, in order to better understand them and make useful predictions. In short, complex systems in physics show us that the world is much more than the sum of its individual parts. They invite us to explore the dynamics and interactions that give rise to surprising collective behaviors. By addressing complex systems in this line of research, we open the doors to understanding and appreciating the emergent organization that permeates the universe.


Information has always played a fundamental role in our society, driving scientific, technological and cultural progress. In recent decades, a new horizon has opened up with quantum information, based on the principles of quantum mechanics. This emerging area has the potential to revolutionize computing, cryptography and communication, challenging our conventional conceptions of data storage, processing and transmission.

Quantum information also offers a new approach to cryptography. Unlike classical systems, in which security is based on the difficulty of solving mathematical problems, quantum cryptography is based on the principles of quantum mechanics to guarantee information security. Encrypted communication using qubits can be carried out so securely that any attempt at interception or eavesdropping would be detected, effectively protecting the privacy of communications.

Quantum information represents a fascinating frontier in the field of knowledge, with the potential to profoundly transform our society and technology. Quantum computing, cryptography and quantum communication are just some of the promising applications emerging from the study of quantum information.


Modern physics has ventured in several directions, exploring phenomena from subatomic dimensions to cosmic magnitudes. However, a fascinating and interesting area of study is that of low-dimensional systems, in which the behavior of matter and particles is strongly influenced by dimensional constraints. These systems defy our intuition and reveal unique characteristics that manifest themselves only when degrees of freedom are restricted. Low-dimensional physical themes are characterized by their nature confined to reduced dimensions or scales.

This line of research is justified due to the impact of low-dimensional systems in several areas of physics, from electronics, spintronics, photonics to thermodynamics and
superconductivity, among others. These systems provide fertile ground for the discovery of new phenomena and the exploration of fundamental properties of condensed matter.

In short, low-dimensional systems in physics are an inexhaustible source of new perspectives and scientific discoveries. They show us that by restricting the dimensions of physical systems, unique properties and behaviors emerge that would not be found in three-dimensional or higher-dimensional systems. Exploring these systems allows us to better understand the nature of matter and uncover the fundamental laws that govern the universe. As we advance in investigation and understanding, it is certain that new phenomena and technological applications will be revealed, further pushing the frontier of scientific knowledge.


Complex Systems

1. Adauto José Ferreira de Souza;
2. Antônio Rodrigues de Castro Romaguera;
3. Borko Stosic;
4. Tatijana Stosic;
5. Viviane Moraes de Oliveira.

Quantum Information

1. Antônio de Pádua Santos;
2. José Ferraz de Moura Nunes Filho;
3. Marcos George Magalhães Moreno Filho;
4. Tiago Alessandro Espinola Ferreira;

Low Dimensional Systems

1. Anderson Luiz da Rocha e Barbosa;
2. Diego José Rátiva Millán;
3. Fernando Jorge Sampaio Moraes;
4. Erms Rodrigues Pereira;
5. Gilvânia Lúcia da Silva Vilela;